

94 Uppsatser om Virtue epistemology, - Sida 1 av 7

Kunskapens värde. Mot en dygdepistemologisk position

"The Value of Knowledge - Towards a Virtue Epistemological Position" The classical question, first posed in Plato's Meno, concerning the value of knowledge constitutes the starting point of this essay. Value analysis has long been neglected in epistemologist's accounts until its re-emergence with the tradition called ?virtue epistemology?, in particular with scholars following Ernest Sosa. Like virtue ethics virtue epistemological accounts changes the focus from the object to the agent, i.e. from knowledge to intellectual virtue.

Skötsamhetens makt - Den moraliska sensibilitetens struktur och maktgörandets beståndsdelar: Hur kan dygderna fördjupa förståelsen kring empowermentprocesser?

This essay shows how the concept of virtue can deepen our understanding considering processes of empowerment. A virtue is understood as a trait of character, manifested in habitual action, that it is good for person a to have. Virtues are interpreted as socially constructed. Empowerment is presented as a process toward self-confidence and self-determination where recourses and freedom propels the development toward power for the individual, the household and the community. Why does the concept of virtue deepen our understanding? It is argued that our theoretical perceptive of empowerment needs to better encompass values, norms and practise.

Tv-spel som resurs för religionskunskap : En undersökning om tv-spel som resurs inom dygdetik

This paper examines the possibilities of using video games as a tool for education of virtue ethics. By comparing learning aspects in Marc Prensky?s theory Digital Game-Based Learning and Aristotelian virtue ethics, this paper tries to look for similarities in how each theory looks at learning. Prensky?s theory is about how one can use video games in education, which is why it is used here.

Det dygdiga ledarskapet - politiskt ledarskap ur ett etiskt perspektiv

A question that is asked far to seldom is what it means to be a good leader. The answer is not all that simple. It is a comlex and multi-faceted question that varies between the values and what ethical perspective you choose to have. As the title indicates, this essay has one particular ethical-theoretical perspective in focus, virtue ethics. According to the virtue ethics perspective a good political leader is a virtuous leader.

Dygden och dårskapen : En studie av mamsell Malmstedts översättningar från franska och latin

Anna Maria Lenngren (ne?e Malmstedt, 1754-1817) was an eminent poet in Sweden during the 18th century and she is still known as one of Stockholms Posten?s sharpest satirists. The early stage of her career as a translator, when she was recognised as ?mamsell Malmstedt?, had a great impact on her following work, which has been largely neglected. This master?s thesis analyses her largest translations: Lucile (1776), Zemire och Azor (1778), Arse?ne (1779), and Dido til Eneas (1778), in comparison with their originals.

Dekonstruktion är en dygd. En studie av moralpraktiker hos Thomas av Aquino i ljuset av Derrida

This study departs in a critique issued against the ethics of deconstruction that it does not provide good enough advice for how to turn its ehtics into "real life"-actions. Taking up the concept of moral practices as found in e.g. Alisdain MacIntyre, Stanley Hauerwas, James K.A. Smith, and Roland Spjuth, this study turns to medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas as a potential resource. Combining the teachings in Aquinas' Summa Thologica with a look into his life as a Domninican, a list of moral practices is put forth and analyzed in conjunction with Derrida's ethics.

Behandling och kunskapssyn - En studie om ungdomsmottagningars och barn- och ungdomspsykiatrins arbete med ungdomar.

TREATMENT AND EPISTEMOLOGY A STUDY ABOUT YOUTH CLINICS AND CHILD- AND YOUTH PSYCHIATRYS WORK WITH YOUNG PEOPLE Larsson, A och Nilsson, J. Behandling och förhållningssätt. En studie om ungdomsmottagningar och barn- och ungdomspsykiatrins arbete med ungdomar. Examensarbete i normöverträdelser, normkonflikter och sociala interventioner 15 poäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, enheten för Individ familj och samhälle, 2011.

Kunskapsteori och kunskapsorganisation: En diskursanalys

This Masters thesis concerns epistemology in Knowledge Organization KO, as a field of study in Library and Information Science LIS. Using a theoretical model by Birger Hjørland and foucauldian discourse analysis as springboards, this study analyses three epistemological discourses in the practice of KO. The aim of the study is to show how these discourses are constituted and demarcated in relation to KO, as well as to examine how they fit into Hjørlands model. A brief historical outline of some epistemological trends in LIS is sketched, as well as examples of how different epistemological schools influence different parts of KO, e.g. information retrieval, indexing- and classification theory.

Anarkistisk klassifikation: förhållandet mellan epistemologi och bibliografisk klassifikation analyserat utifrån Paul Feyerabends anarkistiska teori

The aim of this master?s thesis is to investigate how Paul Feyerabend?s anarchistic theory of knowledge can help our understanding of bibliographical classification and to analyse how epistemological assumptions are manifested in bibliographic classification. Paul Feyerabend?s anarchistic theory of knowledge and science is the theoretical approach of this thesis. The first part of the thesis consists of an introduction to bibliographical classification and epistemology.

Teoretisk kunskap i en praktisk verklighet: en intervjustudie om socionomers och arbetsledares kunskapssyn i socialtjänstens arbete med barn och unga

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social workers perceive the concept of knowledge within social services, particularly within children and youth services. Our goal is also to study the employer's expectations and demands on graduate social workers. The main questions we address in this thesis are; What knowledge is seen as useful by employers and graduate social workers working in social welfare offices? To what extent does university education bring useful knowledge to the work being done by social workers? What practical knowledge is there in the workplace for social workers to learn? When recruiting, what expectations does the employer have of graduate social workers? What challenges are there with recruiting a graduate social worker?We have interviewed six social workers and four employers in the social childcare division in different municipalities in Skåne region, Sweden. We have used epistemology in our analysis.

Centrum för lättläst : Ur ett domänanalytiskt perspektiv

The aim of this two years master thesis in Library and information science is to study the foundation Centrum för lättläst and its work regarding information use with focus on information structures and information needs. The aim is also to examine how Centrum för lättläst cooperate with Swedish libraries to promote the work concerning people with reading disabilities. This master thesis applies a domain analytic theory and method inspired by Birger Hjørland. The domain analysis is confined to examine ontology, epistemology, sociology, empirical user studies, document and genre studies and studies of structures and institutions in scientific communication. The main source material consists of information from the homepage of Centrum för lättläst.

Läromedelsgranskning : En kvalitativ studie om alternativa religioner i några av gymnasiets läromedel

Textbooks are the most dominant literature used in schools and are therefore an important source of information. Consequently, it is crucial that these are not misleading or biased and maintain a high quality along with a strict concordance to the School Department?s curriculum. The aims of this study have been to examine how Mormons, Jehovah?s Witnesses and Hare Krishna are presented in four religion textbooks used in senior high schools, as well as to examine what type of knowledge is being presented in terms of epistemology.

X-instance : en c-uppsats om negativa fakta

Många filosofer verkar gilla tanken om att fakta är verkliga, man menar att fakta är verklighetens byggstenar. Wittgenstein identifierar ?världen? med ?totaliteten av fakta?, och enligt Russell så tillhör fakta den ?objektiva världen?. Jag kommer här inte heller att förneka att fakta är verkliga, så jag antar att fakta tillhör den objektiva världen..

Frihet eller jämlikhet?

Existerar det en spänning mellan frihet och jämlikhet som omöjliggör att båda värdena kan realiseras fullt ut i ett samhälle? Kan ett samhälle vara fritt och jämlikt samtidigt eller måste ett av dessa värden ?offras? för att det andra ska kunna förverkligas? I denna artikel driver jag tesen att de är förenliga förutsatt att de tolkas på ett adekvat sätt....

KONTRAKTUALISM OCH KONSTRUKTIVISM Om ursprungspositionens funktion i John Rawls rättviseteori

John Rawls rättviseteori har tagit stor plats i den filosofiska argumentationen de senaste trettio åren. Den teori han presenterade i A Theory of Justice 1971, innebar ett brott mot den rådande moralfilosofiska diskussionen som var starkt utilitaristiskt präglad. Den allmänna uppfattningen var att utilitarismen helt enkelt måste vara den riktiga teorin, om man bara kunde komma ifrån de kontraintuitiva inslagen som utilitarismen hade och fortfarande har..

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